Logo Design - Pictura

A cafe, a workspace, a meeting place

Project name
Pictura Cafe

Type of work
Logo Design

30.01.2020 – 06.02.2020

Sole Designer

In this school project I needed to design the logo and identity for an innovative café concept. I needed to develop a simple strategy and brand identity for the cafe that worked on both printed and digital surfaces.

How to make an identity for a café that wants to tailor to artists and creatives over the age of 25, that want or need a workspace with equipment away
from home?

Create a cafe identity that appeals to artists and creatives through both concept and design.

My Role
I was the sole designer for this project. I was therefore responsible for everything having to do with this project.

The concept
Pictura is the Latin word for image. The Pictura cafe is meant to be a place where everyone who has an artistic spark can come and express themselves. It could be that you want to paint, but do not have the supplies or space. Or maybe your start-up needs a place to sit and exchange ideas over a cup of coffee. Whether it is painting, drawing, writing, brainstorming or anything else. You can do it over a cup of coffee at Pictura.

The Logo
The logo for the cafe was meant to be easy to remember, minimal and clean. Like Pictura the logo is meant to be a blank canvas for artists to Place their mark on. The logo is a combination of the letter P for Pictura and a coffee cup, the logo is designed in such a way that it is not to obvious, but still clear.


Because the design is monochromatic it is easy to use on both printed and digital platforms. Nevertheless, I made some examples as seen below of usecases and how it could look like.


Let's connect

I hope you like what you see so far! Maybe you have some questions or are curious if I am the man for your project? In any case feel free to contact me and I am sure we can figure it out!

Pictura – Logo Design

A cafe, a workspace, a meeting place

Project Brief

In this school project I needed to design the logo and identity for an innovative café concept. I needed to develop a simple strategy and brand Identity for the cafe that worked on both printed and digital surfaces.

The Concept

In this school project I needed to design the logo and identity for an innovative café concept. I needed to develop a simple strategy and brand Identity for the cafe that worked on both printed and digital surfaces.

The Logo

The logo for the cafe was meant to be easy to remember, minimal and clean. Like Pictura the logo is meant to be a blank canvas for artists to Place their mark on. The logo is a combination of the letter P for Pictura and a coffee cup, the logo is designed in such a way that it is not to obvious, but still clear.


Finished Products

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